Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Results for today, Wednesday,April 19th 2017 at Cordova Creek

111 pieces, American River Ph 9.0, Cordova Creek Ph 8.7. AR flows are still higher than average, someone has placed a makeshift wire cage/trap for the debris in just the right place (for now), as this thing appears to have captured a significant amount, but without the actual data, it is unknown. What is known is in the database and the following photos....oh, and dragonflies!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Results for Wed. March 15th, 2017

280pcs, some less common, AR Ph 7.5, CC Ph 9.1, most cans and foil from creek bed. Ideal survey conditions, trash kept me too busy to photo nature, heres images...

Monday, March 13, 2017

Schedule for this Wednesday, March 15th 2017

Hammerdirt California personnel (myself), will be at the confluence of Cordova Creek and the American River this Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. until approx.1:15., conducting the routine survey activities. All are welcome to come check it out.

from 3/1/2017

from 2016

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


We will be at the confluence of Cordova Creek and the American River at 10a.m,see you there

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Results for Wed, March 1st, 2017

69 pieces, AR Ph 8.6, CC Ph 8.5, mergansers and cormorants. River still a little high, but going down. Erosion continues at outfall. And though spillway debris count was below average, the washout just down stream from spillway contained "numerous" debris items,( which I collected ),  all of which had a familiar composition and type. Processing  this separately, as its officially not within the survey perimeter, however, we are processing the data. Nice weather, how about that Spring! Pictures...

Monday, February 27, 2017

Schedule for this Wednesday-3/1/17

The schedule is: March 1, 2017, same time (11:30 a.m.)- same place (confluence of Cordova Creek and American River)- same day (every Wednesday). The river levels have decreased this week, and moderate weather should permit improved photo opportunities, as last week there were less wildlife encounters,( or I was not fast enough on the draw with my camera to snap any of the only visitor that day, a flycatcher 18 inches from my face...), either way, the survey mission will be executed. Because this is no banner ad, nor I a bot, something different is written in each announcement, including images. Because you took the time to read this post, I try to make it interesting, so here are some pics from previous surveys (2015-16), enjoy and see you there.....

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Results for Wed., Feb.22nd,2017

166pcs, CC Ph9.2, AR Ph 8.9, water levels still high, restricting access to the high banks. Dont know what is on the bottom...heres pics..